Dynamic 3D Visualization: A Cost-Conscious Solution for Viewing Complex GIS Data

An engineering company bridges the communication gap for clients using dynamic 3D visualization.

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is true. The human brain’s rapid visual processing power makes images preferable to a mountain of text or numbers every time. One of the most common consulting problems Argis Solutions is asked to solve is how to efficiently communicate highly technical GIS information to our clients’ non-technical customers.

Challenge: Upgrading Risk-Integrity Management Software with 3D Visualization Capabilities

An engineering company developed risk-integrity management software to help its clients in the energy sector effectively operate assets. The problem: the engineering company’s system was developed using PHP, a widely-used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP lacked the spatial context the engineering company needed to communicate complex, textual GIS information to clients with no GIS expertise. They were looking for a 3D visualization of their “thousand words.” Converting the entire project to a more spatially appropriate solution would be too expensive. They needed a creative, cost-conscious approach.  

Solution: Building a Bridge to Modernization

Argis Solutions developed a dynamic 3D mapping solution that would work with PHP. Argis’ development team found that isolating the code from PHP was the most efficient way to solve this challenge. A JavaScript transport layer was created that could communicate between the original system and the modern platform the Argis team designed. The core product was coded in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Result: Consistent, Dynamic, Cost-Effective Communication

With this communication transport layer, information flows between the two platforms consistently and concurrently. This solution works dynamically, meaning it can be used over and over as new PHP is developed in the original product offering. This resourceful, cost-effective solution integrates modern technology with a HTML website making the tool much easier to operate for the end user.

Equipped with the ability to offer their customers 3D visualization of energy assets, the engineering company can bring its now-complete product to market with 3D GIS front-end integration, providing a clear, compelling view of its customers’ geospatial data. 


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