4 GIS Strategies Under $10k

As the COVID-19 pandemic shrinks operational budgets across the globe, we have several ideas that will help your organization’s efficiency and effectiveness with minimal investment.

“You are essential.” One of the primary messages from Esri’s 2020 User Conference that the GIS community is taking to heart is how indispensable our individual roles are in creating a flourishing global community. If you are like most GIS managers, you and your team have been telecommuting for most of this year. You may have experienced some furloughs on your team, but for the most part your work is essential, and your community, its citizens, and your organization’s internal departments depend on the maps you create and maintain. 


Has the COVID pandemic created restrictions in your operating budget? This is the new reality for many businesses and municipalities. However, in spite of those limitations, effective GIS solutions are still a necessity. These four solutions under $10k will help you continue making the world within your sphere of influence a better place without breaking your budget.

Ways to Invest in GIS That Won’t Break Your Budget

1.     Improve Community Cohesion: ArcGIS Hub

Are you struggling to figure out how to allow crowd-sourced material on a community dashboard? ArcGIS Hub is a collaborative website portal that allows any organization or city, no matter how small, to create interactive maps that integrate with their GIS data. This configure-first portal makes it simple—no coding skills needed! ArcGIS Hub is a great solution to the growing mandate for municipalities to make data more available and accessible to constituents and community members. It can also be upgraded later to Hub Premium. Need some inspiration? Visit the ArcGIS Hub Gallery for examples of how others are using it.

2.     Safer Locate Calls: The Argis Lens

Do you need a way to safely provide maps to field crews without extensive GIS training? This mobile app shows underground facilities, utilities, and pipelines in augmented reality at the worksite.  Visualizing ArcGIS data improves communication, uncovers data discrepancies, and allows for data refinement and simplified documentation. The Argis Lens is a great on-a-budget option that has saved our clients time and money, as well as few GIS-related headaches! As physical distancing is now a necessity, an efficient, easy-to-use mobile app that streamlines communication might be just the bang-for-your-buck option that will transform your worksite for the better.

3.     Self-Service Map Requests: Set Up a Map Portal

Do you get a lot of requests for maps? A map portal is a web-based portal that provides a printable pdf of a map based on information provided by the user. Users could create maps showing property lines, zoning areas, easements, or snow removal schedules for specific areas. Self-service map downloads make GIS data publicly available, saving valuable time and empowering citizens to access needed information. 

4.     Educate Your Team: Esri Training Modules

If your organization is using Esri products, chances are you already have access to specialized training on Esri’s mobile suite of tools, like Collector, Survey 123, and Workforce. With working outside of the office becoming the standard, mobile accessibility is necessary to stay current and competitive. Now is the perfect time to upgrade your team’s equipment and start learning about Esri’s newest mobile offering.

Together we can.

We recognize and respect the sacrifices many in the GIS field have faced over the last six months. We are entering a “new normal” which is changing industries across the globe, including GIS. We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions to the new challenges of today. These five ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. If you need to really stretch your budget, consider setting up a discovery call, and let us show you what we can do together.


GIS Day 2020


Malaika Penn Presents at Elevations Geospatial Summer Series