2022 Esri Partner Conference and DevSummit

Can you believe it’s only been a month and a half since we got to see people face-to-face at Esri’s 2022 Partner Conference and DevSummit? EPC and DevSummit were the first in-person conferences the Argis Solutions team attended since the beginning of the pandemic. We have to say, there is nothing like face-to-face events! Our pro tip for Palm Springs: Try the ACE guava cider at La Quinta Brewing Company.  

The highlights of our team’s time in Palm Springs: 

Esri Partner Conference 

  • We were impressed by the new ArcGIS Knowledge graph service. Its modeling and analytics show new ways to interconnect relationships, supporting the discovery of new patterns on a large scale. We can’t wait to see how this this breaks open new ways of analyzing complex data. 

  • The blue dot is inside! ArcGIS IPS brings location intelligence indoors. The most practical use case we can think of is finally being able to quickly maneuver a tight airport connection!  

  • ArcGIS Marketplace is getting a new look. Our mobile app, the Argis Lens is an ArcGIS Marketplace offering, so we look forward to seeing what the new changes will be. 

  • Calling all state and local government people! You have federal funding programs available for use in a myriad of ways. The session at EPC on this was incredibly informative, and with our Esri State and Local Government specialty, we are ready to help.  

Our developers attending DevSummit’s favorite sessions: 

  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Data Visualization: Highlights included learning about SimpleRenderer, UniqueValueRenderer, DotDensityRenderer, HeatMapRenderer, etc.; data-driven visualizations; FlowRenderer, which works on raster data; and playing with different effects. “Really cool things are possible with this when it comes to visualizations. We learned about new animated visualizations and dynamic visualizations. These will be much easier to use in the newer version of API. You can get amazing performance benefits from API because it caches so much data on the client side.” 

  • Getting Started with PBF and ArcGIS Knowledge REST API: This session included an overview of ArcGIS Knowledge, the REST API, Knowledge protocol buffers (PBF), and Koop. “I love data transfer! PBF allows data to be passed in a format that doesn’t include tags. Data is transferred in bytes, which means you don’t need to send keys, saving bandwidth and improving performance. The new ArcGIS Knowledge Graph service supports this PBF format.” 

 As we begin the ramp-up to Esri’s User Conference in July, we are excited to see these solutions offer concrete, cutting-edge ways to help communities to fortify their systems of records and build strong foundations using ArcGIS.  


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